Do Not Misunderstand

salam...sori sbb lame dh xupdate blog nie...quite week dh nk, i must do revision...bkan rajin sgt kne la wat2 exam...xnk resit...xnk jgk kne, ak turun mkn kat cafe...tgh2 mkn, de la sorg hmba Allah nie ckp something yg wat ak btol2 touching...touching here means tersentuh erk...its about RELATIONSHIP...sory to say, im never2 broke our relation...please understand me...guys...i love u...i love u so much as my friends...every step that i make...i have a reasons why i do that...we still FRIENDS till i DIE...kadang2 bende kecil bleh jd bsar d sebabkan org sekeliling yg xthu hal sbnr...wat2 thu...those who r around that talking about me and my relationship...please keep ur mouth silently...u dont know please dont act like u know safe beb...i know what im doing...dont thing ur clever in my probs...i know how to handle my probs...
to my friends...i was saying that we r still friends...forever...and never brake...4 now, if ur thing im very rude to u...rse ak dh btindak d luar batasan...ak mntk maaf...ak xbmaksud mcm tu...kte msih kawan...kte msih shbt...klu u guys xdpt nk maafkan ak...tpulang pada korg...ak akn tntut maaf korng di 'sana' kelak...klu korg dh bnci ak...xdpt nk terima ak...itu hak korg...ak terima ats ape yg ak dh ak, still dgn pndirian ak...korg ttap kwn ak...shbt ak...believe me...we still friends if ur still thing im ur friends...


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